by Shawn | Sep 14, 2012 | Event News
How cool is this! …. customers unofficially first in all three Targa classes this year! Congratulations to all the finishers!
Team1984 from Calgary in a Porsche 944 – Daily Blog – Photos

by Shawn | Aug 3, 2012 | Event News
What’s happening this weekend?
Combination CSCC and SASC “Super Weekend” Autoslalom (Solo 2) event in Fort McLeod. 2 days of driving and an opportunity for the entrants to test drive a Scion FR-S on an Autoslalom course!

Kart Racing in Calgary
Also, the CKRC is hosting the Western Canada Championship weekend at Varsity Speed park at the south end of the Race City site. Should be lots of karting action all weekend.
Had a customer stop in this evening on his way to some dirt track IMCA racing at Sangudo Raceway.
Have a great weekend everyone!
by Shawn | Jan 27, 2012 | Event News
Let’s make this a weekly update on what’s happening in the motorsports world. I’ll hilite events I know where are customers are participating – if you’re racing, let us know and we’ll watch for updates!
This week – January 27-30
(Follow the links for more information on the events)
Northern Alberta Sports Car Club (NASCC) has a 2-day Ice Racing weekend at Rob’s lake just west of Edmonton. Marshals always welcome!

NASCC Ice Racing at Rob's lake!
Lethbridge Sports Car Club (LSCC) has a Rallycross on Sunday the 29th.
Southern Alberta Solo Club (SASC) is doing a series of Winter and Ice Driving Schools on Ghost Lake, west of Cochrane.
and the Sno*Drift Rally, first event in the Rally America Championship, in Michigan has a number of customers participating. Follow the event on Twitter at!/search/%23usrally
Good Luck to all that are participating! customers have the most FUN! 🙂
From Jeff Taylor : Calgary area racers Ron Eckhart, Orin Harker maybe Bruce Jones, and myself will be racing in the Radical West Race series at Spring Mountain Nevada this weekend. Also Keith Gosselin (sp?) from Kelowna. 30 cars expected.
Awesome guys – Have fun and Go Fast!
by Shawn | Sep 12, 2011 | Event News
A sad but fun weekend at Race City Motorsport Park as the final road racing events took place. A good turnout in all 3 racing groups.
Stephanie Barns, who races a really cool Triumph TR6 in the Vintage classes’ posted a great description of the final race.
On the last lap of the last race ever, we slowed, got into tight formation, and then raising our own checkered flags, we drove the final lap in salute to Race City, to the volunteers and to the track workers who kept us safe for all those years. As we crossed the finish line for the last time, we stopped, got out of our cars and hugged each other as the champagne, and the tears, flowed. So many wonderful and warm memories are tied up here. It’s so hard to say goodbye.
Here is a few photos. Here is the full set! (and full size images)

Group Photo

The Last Lap

A Formation Finish - Very Fitting!
by Shawn | Oct 17, 2010 | Event News
It’s election time! We hope everyone in Calgary gets out to vote. The note below has been sent out by members of the Motorsport Council of Calgary, a group consisting of most all the users of Race City. They (me included) have done a lot of research on which candidates are “motorsport friendly”. While many (most?) of the aldermanic candidates appear to be in favour of keeping the track available we need to get out and support those who support us!

As many of may know, Ric McIver has been a big supporter of motorsport all along and was instrumental in the extension of the lease for Race City and is going work at either getting Race City a new long term lease or a new home.
I ask that you support Ric as he supports us.
Having a race facility in Calgary is very important for all of us and for many a economic must have. Tomorrow, go Vote for the one guy that has stood up for us.
Over the past 3 years, the Calgary motorsport community has been threatened with the loss of Race City Motorsport Park. Somewhere along the way, city administration lost sight of the fact that Race City is an important venue to maintain for Calgarians, and they made other plans for the city-owned land that Race City occupies. By the time that these plans were communicated to Race City owner Art Mackenzie, the public, and city council, administration had progressed so far down this path that it seemed Race City was doomed.
The motorsports community has banded together through the Motorsports Council of Calgary to oppose the termination of the Race City lease with the City of Calgary. We have so far received support from about half of the aldermen, led by alderman and now candidate for mayor, Ric McIvor.
Council did not support a lease extension in Feb 2009, but Ric McIver tried again and on Sept 28 2009 city council directed city administration to work out a deal to extend the lease with Race City to 2015, which resulted in another two year deal (2010 – 2011).
It is important that we continue to support aldermanic candidates and a mayor that support Race City and/or motorsports in the City of Calgary.
This Monday October 18, we collectively have the opportunity to reach another milestone in the battle to maintain a motorsports venue in Calgary.
Our research shows that we have the opportunity to elect a motorsport friendly City Council. While we held a slim majority in the past, we were missing the most important part, a motorsports friendly mayor.
We urge you, and your family and friends to get out and Vote for Ric McIver for Mayor, and vote for the motorsport friendly Alderman that represents the ward you live in. Visit for further info.
The Aldermanic picks are as follows:
Ward 1: Dale Hodges
Ward 2: Joe Magliocca
Ward 3: Jim Stevenson
Ward 4: Brad Northcott
Ward 5: Ray Jones
Ward 6: Brent Mielke
Ward 7: Kevin Taylor
Ward 8: John Mar
Ward 9: Mike Pal
Ward 10: Andre Chabot
Ward 11: James Maxim
Ward 12: Shane Keating
Ward 13: Diane Colley-Urquhart
Ward 14: Richard Dur
Your vote is important, and the future of motorsports in Calgary depends on it.
Motorsport Council of Calgary
by Shawn | Oct 15, 2010 | Event News
The future of Race City Motorsport Park is one very important issue in this years election on October 18! The motorsports community has been actively polling the candidates for Mayor and Alderman with these and other benefits.
I feel this facility has several key benefits to the city and residents.
- Social benefit of reducing street racing by providing a safe and legal venue for young people to enjoy their cars. Friday night Secret Street events attract several thousand people over the summer. Many other cities have found that an active local track reduces the number of street racing incidents significantly.
- Economic benefits to the city and over 100 local businesses that support racers and events. These include several motorcycle and auto driving schools, repair shops, parts suppliers, caterers and many others.
- Tourism benefits to Calgary as nearly every event or day at the track has participants and spectators from outside the city.
- Another entertainment venue for Calgarians and their families to enjoy whether as a spectator or participant.
Unlike most other sports and entertainment facilities in Calgary, Race City receives no financial support from the city.
Let’s all get out and vote in a motorsport friendly city council!